The Virginia Chapter of APCO maintains a list server as a means of communicating with its members. Subscribers may send messages to all other subscribed Chapter members via the list server; however, currently it is typically used for officers and committee chairs to disseminate information to the membership.
Pertinent instructions for subscribers appear below. Be sure to keep your e-mail address up-to-date with APCO International, and notify the list administrator of any immediate changes to your address.
The Virginia APCO Listserv (VA-APCO) is a distribution list and notification forum for the Virginia Chapter of the Association of Public Safety Communications Officials - International, Inc. The list has been established to provide a means for general communication of messages to Chapter members. Subscriptions include those e-mail addresses listed by APCO International for its members, supplemented by additional addresses available to the Chapter.
[VA-APCO] - This list includes Active Members (voting membership) of APCO International assigned to the Virginia Chapter, Life Members, and Chapter Officers; Commercial Members and Members (non-voting membership) of APCO International assigned to the Virginia Chapter. The Chapter is also maintaining approved visitor subscriptions and subscriptions for past members and subscribers who have not renewed membership for a limited time in order to convey information of pertinent value to Virginia's public safety community.
Chapter officers, committee chairs, and other message generators will be provided sending instructions by the list administrator. Subscribers may request authorization and instructions for message sending by contacting the List Administrator.
Messages to this list are sent to everyone on the list; if you want only limited recipients, senders should use the recipients' individual e-mail address(es) or use a distribution list or nickname list set up through an e-mail program to se such messages to one or more recipients. (At the present time, replying to the list will return your message only to the sender... a new message or a "Reply to All" is required to send your message to the entire list.
Instructions are sent to subscribers monthly. If unsuccessful or you need assistance, contact the List Administrator.
Instructions are sent to subscribers monthly. If unsuccessful or you need assistance, contact the List Administrator.
These lists are private and confidential. They are intended for the private use of Chapter members. You should not publicly release the contents of messages without the expressed permission of the author, nor should you forward copies of information or messages you have obtained from it to third parties. Exceptions to this are allowed for messages marked "PUBLIC RELEASE" and for "JOB ADVERTISEMENTS". Exception is made for you to share information pertinent to the Chapter operations with other members of the Chapter and public safety answering point (PSAP) staff who do not have access to e-mail.
Commercial advertising by vendors is prohibited. Members may, however, advertise surplus equipment and/or discuss commercial products of benefit to operations.
Our server is running Version 2.1.17 of Mailman. The ListServ is provided as a courtesy of ESVA.net.