The Virginia Chapter of APCO is pleased to recognize the outstanding achievements of the commercial partners that support the needs of public safety communications in Virginia. Nominations must be received no later than 2359 hours on September 1, 2024. Award winners will be announced at the Fall Virginia APCO-NENA-Interoperability Conference in Roanoke, VA.
Nomination forms for each award are listed below the specific criteria for that award.
General Requirements:​
APCO membership is not necessary to make a nomination.
APCO membership is not necessary to qualify for an award.
Nominations will be accepted from an individual, from a public safety agency, or from another commercial company.
Nominations must be received no later than Sunday, September 1, 2024.
All submissions must use the approved Nomination Forms which may be downloaded from this webpage.
Be sure to respond to each and every criteria or question in the "criteria" section at the bottom of each application. These criteria are established to be sure that all nominees are afforded an equal consideration and that key information is available for the Awards Committee to review. If you need to amend a previously submitted nomination form, please do so prior to the deadline.
Specific Criteria for Nomination for Each Award
Commercial Partner of the Year
Company has active representatives within the Commercial Advisory Committee (CAC)
The Commercial Partner must have been engaged with a public safety agency in the Commonwealth of Virginia within the last 12 months.
Joe Gately Service Award
Nominees must have been employed as a commercial partner for a Public Safety Communications agency in the Commonwealth of Virginia or have retired within the last 12 months.
Submission of Nominations
To permit electronic dissemination to the Awards Committee, nominations should be prepared electronically and saved in Microsoft Word or a compatible word processing program or be scanned and saved in Adobe PDF (.pdf) format.
Preferably, save your file with a naming format that identifies the jurisdiction or agency and the last name or team name nominated, i.e.:
"[Category] Nomination_Fairfax_LastName.doc" or "[Category] Nomination_VSP_ShiftA.doc".
Submit nominations (computer document) as attachments by e-mail to: Jada Lee no later than Sunday, September 1, 2024 at 2359 hours.
You will receive an acknowledgement within 3 days. If you do not receive an acknowledgement, please confirm receipt with Jada Lee. In the absence of e-mail, flash drives or CDs may be sent to:
Jada Lee
VA-APCO Awards Committee
Virginia Beach 9-1-1 Emergency Communications
2508 Princess Anne Rd.
Virginia Beach, VA 23456-2506
For questions or other information, call or e-mail Jada Lee (757) 385-4232.